

Scrum Consulting

Optimize Your Projects with Agility

Maximize the effectiveness of your teams and projects with our Scrum consulting service.

We offer expert training and implementation of the Scrum framework to transform your work processes into an agile mode, ensuring more efficient and flexible project management.

Why Choose Us

Our agency stands out for having certified in-house Scrum Masters with extensive experience in implementing agile methodologies. We provide dedicated consulting to guide organizations through agile transformation, improving collaboration, speed, and quality of outcomes.

Customized Scrum Training

Tailored courses for your team, conducted by our certified Scrum Masters, to teach the fundamental practices of Scrum and how to apply them effectively in your company’s specific context.

Framework Implementation

Practical support in configuring your project structures to adopt Scrum, including creating Scrum roles, ceremonies, and artifacts.

Ongoing Coaching and Mentoring

Beyond initial training, we offer continuous coaching to ensure your transition to Scrum is smooth and that your teams achieve maximum autonomy and efficiency.

Process Analysis and Optimization

We evaluate the effectiveness of adopted Scrum practices and suggest continuous improvements to optimize feedback cycles and the value of the final product.

Choosing Sellinnate means choosing a partner that places you and your success at the heart of every project.

Servizi di sviluppo Software

Dalle applicazioni aziendali interne, come CRM personalizzati, a piattaforme SaaS e soluzioni eCommerce, sviluppiamo software che non solo integra, ma anche potenzia le tue operazioni aziendali.

Approccio Agile e Collaborativo

Adottiamo metodologie agili, come il framework Scrum, per garantire che il processo di sviluppo sia flessibile e adattabile alle esigenze in evoluzione del progetto. Questo approccio ci permette di lavorare in modo iterativo e incrementale, fornendo miglioramenti continui e assicurando che il prodotto finale sia esattamente quello di cui hai bisogno.

Integrazione di Sistema

Operiamo come system integrator per integrare efficacemente il tuo nuovo software con piattaforme esistenti, garantendo un ecosistema digitale coeso. Attraverso l'uso di API e adapter personalizzati, il tuo software lavorerà in armonia con sistemi CRM, eCommerce, e altre applicazioni terze per una gestione più fluida e automatizzata.

Sicurezza Avanzata

La sicurezza è al centro del nostro processo di sviluppo. Implementiamo i più recenti protocolli di sicurezza, compresi rigorosi test di sicurezza e architetture cloud, per garantire che il tuo software sia protetto da minacce digitali. Inoltre, offriamo piani di manutenzione che includono monitoraggio continuativo e aggiornamenti regolari.

Supporto e Manutenzione

Forniamo supporto post-lancio completo, inclusi pacchetti di manutenzione e monitoraggio che assicurano il funzionamento ottimale del tuo software. Dal monitoraggio dello stato di salute del software all'installazione di patch di sicurezza, il nostro team è a disposizione per garantire che il tuo investimento continui a generare valore nel tempo.

Case study

Esempi concreti di come abbiamo trasformato le idee dei nostri clienti in software personalizzati eccezionali

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is the Scrum framework?

Scrum is a project management and planning framework that follows an agile approach. It is designed to improve communication, collaboration, and the speed of delivering complex projects.

How can Scrum consulting improve my organization?

Our Scrum consulting can help you optimize product development processes, improve team collaboration, and increase overall efficiency, thus reducing project times and costs.

What are the main roles in a Scrum team?

A Scrum team typically includes a Product Owner, a Scrum Master, and the Development Team. Each role has specific responsibilities that contribute to the project’s success.

What does a Scrum Master do?

The Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process by helping the team work together effectively, removing obstacles, and ensuring that Scrum practices are followed correctly.

What are the main artifacts of the Scrum framework?

The main artifacts include the Product Backlog, the Sprint Backlog, and the Increment, which help organize and prioritize work during the development cycle.

What is the typical duration of a Sprint in Scrum?

The duration of a Sprint varies but usually lasts between one to four weeks, depending on the project’s complexity and the team dynamics.

How are changes managed in Scrum?

Scrum is highly adaptive and flexible. Changes can be incorporated through periodic reviews of the Product Backlog and can be prioritized for future Sprints.

Is Scrum suitable for small teams?

Yes, Scrum can be adapted to teams of any size and is particularly effective in keeping small teams focused and agile.

What are the main benefits of adopting Scrum?

Key benefits include increased transparency, better control over development processes, adaptability to market changes, and improved time and cost management.

How does a Scrum consulting project start with your company?

Our process starts with an assessment of your needs and project goals. This is followed by team training and gradual implementation of the Scrum framework, with continuous support and adjustments based on feedback and results achieved.

Quality Processes and Monitoring

Certified Experts

Our Scrum Masters have internationally recognized certifications and bring deep practical knowledge of the Scrum framework.

Practical Experience

We have a proven track record of helping companies of various sizes and industries implement Scrum, significantly improving their productivity and team satisfaction.

Customized Approach and Full Support

Each consulting intervention is tailor-made to fit the unique needs of your business and operational environment. From initial coaching to advanced training and ongoing support, we are with you every step of the way toward agility.

Overcoming Challenges

Transitioning to an agile methodology like Scrum can seem challenging, but with the right support, you can turn this transition into an opportunity to excel. Our consulting aims to make this process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Success Levers of Our Offer


Scrum promotes security through its transparency and constant review during sprints, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities in final products.


Scrum maximizes product value and minimizes waste with its iterative approach, allowing companies to respond quickly to customer feedback and efficiently utilize resources.


Scrum offers convenience through predictable sprints and clearly defined roles, simplifying planning and communication within the team.


The adoption of Scrum demonstrates commitment to innovation and excellence, accelerating product delivery and creating a dynamic working environment that attracts talent.

Le nostre tecnologie

Let's work together!

Remove waste with the Scrum framework.

Contact us today for a consultation and find out how to reorganise your company in favour of Agile.

Raccontaci la tua idea

La nostra missione è aiutarti a sviluppare il tuo progetto nei minimi dettagli. 

Raccontaci la tua idea e verrai contattat* dal nostro team.

Tell us about your idea

Our mission is to help you develop your project down to the smallest detail.
Tell us your idea and you will be contacted by our team.