
Swing Studio 22

What Do You Get When a Collaboration Grows Over the Years?

The Client

Swing Studio 22

Swing Studio 22, a renowned dance school specializing in Swing, began its partnership with our agency through our founder when he was still a freelancer. This long-standing relationship allowed us to build a deep understanding of the school’s needs and aspirations.

The Challenges

Throughout our long partnership with Swing Studio 22, several challenges have required innovative solutions to ensure the school’s growth and adaptability in a rapidly changing environment. The digital transformation that began with the creation of the first website has seen the addition of new challenges over time:

First Digital Image

Creating an online presence from scratch for a dance school that until then had operated primarily offline, ensuring that the website captured the essence and energy of Swing.

Facing the Pandemic

Quick response to the forced closure during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring that the school could continue to offer courses and maintain student engagement.

eCommerce Integration

Managing the growing bookings for events and classes that exceeded the capacity of traditional methods, necessitating an efficient eCommerce solution to facilitate these operations.

Cloud Structure Modernization

Modernize and improve the existing cloud structure to support increased online functionality and ensure more efficient and secure data management in response to the expansion of digital activities and services offered by the school.

Each of these challenges required a tailored approach that benefited from close collaboration and ongoing dialogue with customers to develop solutions that not only responded to immediate problems but also established a solid foundation for the future.

The Solution

We developed a visually appealing and functional website, implemented a members-only area for on-demand videos and live lessons via Zoom, and integrated an eCommerce solution for managing event and class reservations.

Web Site Development and eCommerce Integration:

Site Showcase

We developed an aesthetically pleasing and functional website that serves as a showcase for the school, providing a platform to promote courses, teachers, and provide schedule information.

Reserved Area

Implementation of a member-only area offering on-demand video and access to live lessons via Zoom, ensuring continuity of education during lockdowns.


Integration of an eCommerce solution to manage event and class bookings, easing the secretary's workload and improving the user experience.

Web Site Development and E-commerce Integration:

Cloud migration and optimization

The transition to the Google Workspace cloud platform was carefully executed to minimize disruption, with an overnight migration of cloud storage and a complete transfer of email accounts that retained all history.

Harmony, simplicity and Swing

These are the three pillars underlying the identity of Swing Studio 22

Product Owner's Word

"The experience of working with Swing Studio 22 has been extremely rewarding. Their clarity of ideas and willingness to engage in dialogue made it possible to implement digital solutions that not only solved immediate challenges but also laid the foundation for sustainable future growth.

This project demonstrated how critical effective client-supplier collaboration is to the success of complex digital initiatives."

In this project we have used

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